Table of contents
- Table of contents
- Ajouter un produit automatiquement au panier
- Ajax - Mini Cart
- Mini Cart
- Display Shipping rates estimates in the Cart
Ajouter un produit automatiquement au panier
Dans l'exemple, on vérifie que le produit n'est pas déjà dans le panier et que le montant du panier est > 100 (il est calculé en cents)
<script src=""></script>{% assign found_title = false %}{% for item in checkout.line_items %} {% if == 7387208286253 %} {% assign found_title = true %} {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% if checkout.subtotal_price > 10000 and found_title == false %}<script> $( document ).ready(function() { var variantId = 7387208286253;'/cart/add.js', { quantity: 1, id: variantId }); setTimeout( function() { window.location.reload(true); }, 1000); });</script>{% endif %}
Ajax - Mini Cart
Create the Liquid file
- Go to Mini Cart - Create the Liquid file
- At the beginning of the
add this line{% layout none %}
(For more explanation go to Layout Tricks)
Create the JavaScript file
- In your Shopify workspace go to
- Edit an existing
file or create it e.g (ajax-mini-cart.js
) - Put the following code inside and do some modifications
- Save your file
/** * ------------------------- * ShpCustom: Ajax Cart * ------------------------- */
// If You don't already have a custom global object created// e.g ShpCustom can be what ever you wantwindow.ShpCustom = window.ShpCustom || {cart: {}};
(function() { ShpCustom.Cart.onItemAdded = function() { ShpCustom.Cart.getCart(); };
ShpCustom.Cart.onError = function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { var data = eval('(' + XMLHttpRequest.responseText.description + ')'); alert(data); };
ShpCustom.Cart.getCart = function() { var params = { type: 'GET', url: '/cart?view=mini', success: function(line_html) { if(line_html) { const $line_html = $(line_html); // Get number of item in cart const cartUpdateCount = $line_html.find('Put your ItemCount element class or Id e.g. .js-cart-update-count').text();
$('Put your mini cart principal class or principal Id e.g. .cp-quick_cart').find('.product-items').replaceWith($line_html); $('Put your ItemCount element class or Id e.g. .js-cart-update-count').text(cartUpdateCount);
// Show the mini cart $('#popup-checkout').addClass('active'); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { ShpCustom.Cart.onError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus); } }; $.ajax(params); };
ShpCustom.Cart.addItemFromForm = function(data, callback) { var params = { type: 'POST', url: '/cart/add.js', data: data, dataType: 'json', success: function(line_item) { if ((typeof callback) === 'function') { callback(); } ShpCustom.Cart.onItemAdded(line_item); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) { if ((typeof callback) === 'function') { callback(); } ShpCustom.Cart.onError(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus); } }; $.ajax(params); }})();
Update the layout file
- In your Shopify workspace go to
- Open the
file - At the bottom of the file before the
add<script src="{{ 'name_of_your_file.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script> - Save your file
How to use it
E.g. use it on products slider with multiple Add To Cart Button
In your Shopify workspace go to your liquid file for one slide
At the end of the file add
<script>jQuery('uniq id of the product form').submit(function(event) {event.preventDefault();const $submitButton = jQuery('uniq id of the product form or just this').find('Your add to cart button class e.g. .js-add-to-cart');$submitButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled');ShpCustom.Cart.addItemFromForm(jQuery(this).serialize(), () => {$submitButton.removeAttr('disabled');});});</script>
Mini Cart
Create the Liquid file
- In your Shopify workspace go to
- Create a liquid file name
(For more explanation go to Alternative Template) - Put your Mini Cart HTML code (or include it e.g.
{% include 'cp-quick_cart_inner' %}
) inside the file - Save your file
{% include 'cp-quick_cart_inner' %}
<div class="cp-quick_cart"> <div class="popup popup--checkout" id="popup-checkout"> <button class="popup__close js-popup-close"> <svg xmlns="" width="17" height="17" viewBox="0 0 17 17"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M9.467 8.75l-.25-.25.25-.25L16.852.865a.502.502 0 0 0 0-.716.502.502 0 0 0-.717 0L8.751 7.532l-.25.25-.252-.25L.865.15a.502.502 0 0 0-.717 0 .503.503 0 0 0 0 .716L7.533 8.25l.25.25-.25.25-7.385 7.385a.507.507 0 0 0 .717.717l7.384-7.385.251-.25.25.25 7.385 7.384a.502.502 0 0 0 .717 0 .507.507 0 0 0 0-.716z"/> </svg> </button><!-- popup__close -->
<div class="popup__background js-popup-close"></div><!-- /.popup__background -->
<div class="popup__inner"> {% include 'cp-quick_cart_inner' %} </div><!-- /.popup__inner --> </div><!-- /.popup --> </div><!-- /.cp-quick_cart -->
<div class="product-items"> <div class="product-items__inner"> <div class="product-item product-item--alt"> <form action="/cart" method="post"> {% for item in cart.items %} <div class="product__inner"> <div class="product__image"> <div class="product__image-inner"></div> </div><!-- /.product__image -->
<div class="product__content"> <h4 class="product__title"> <span>{{ item.product.title }}</span> </h4><!-- /.product__title -->
<div class="product__price"> <span>{{ item.final_line_price | money }}</span> </div><!-- /.product__price --> </div><!-- /.product__content --> </div><!-- /.product__inner --> <input type="hidden" name="updates[]" id="updates_{{ item.key }}" value="{{ item.quantity }}" min="0"> {% endfor %}
<div class="product__actions"> <a href="/cart" class="btn btn--dark btn--block"> {{ 'general.cart.show_cart' | t }} (<span class="js-cart-update-count">{{ cart.item_count }}</span>) </a>
<button type="submit" name="checkout" class="btn btn--dark-full btn--block">{{ 'general.cart.payment' | t }}</button> </div><!-- /.product__actions --> </form> </div><!-- /.product-item --> </div><!-- /.product-items__inner --> </div><!-- /.product-items -->
Why not just include
? In this example we separate the inner cart and the pop up container in the case of updating mini cart by ajax see [Ajax Mini Cart]
Add payment button
- As you can see in the
to add a direct payment button you need to:- Encompass all your mini cart items into<form action="/cart" method="post"></form>
- Put in every item :<input type="hidden" name="updates[]" id="updates_{{ item.key }}" value="{{ item.quantity }}" min="0">
- And finaly add<button type="submit" name="checkout">{{ 'general.cart.payment' | t }}</button>
- Encompass all your mini cart items into