Script Editor
- Script editor is a free Shopify+ app that lets you create special scripts for specific promo codes and discounts.
- It can be used only once Shopify + is up and running
- Transporter is the Shopify+ app that lets you migrate customers, orders and many more from Magento to Shopify.
- It can be used only once Shopify + is up and running
- Launchpad is a free Shopify+ app that lets you program events, prepublish special promo made with scrit editor, even switch themes for special content publication.
- It can be used only once Shopify + is up and running
Bulk Account Inviter
- Bulk Account Inviter is a free Shopify+ app that lets you run bulk invitations via email for all the existing customers after a website migration. For example if you refurb an old magento website you'll need this app in order to invite old customers to recreate their passwords.
- It can be used only once Shopify + is up and running
Custom fields by Bonify
- Purpose : If you want to customize your products, pages, catalog etc with extra fields (ean, erp fields...) that are not available in the back office you'll need this App
- Pricing : Free, LITE (7$/month), PREMIUM (19$/month - not available for Shopify+), PLUS (29$/month).
- Link :
Customer account fields
- Purpose : Use specific customer fields other thant Shopify default. Lets users edit their own information.
- Pricing : Free, LITE (9$/month), PREMIUM (19$/month - not available for Shopify+), PLUS (29$/month).
- Link :
Customer profile editor
- Purpose : Lets customers edit their password, email, phone, name and last name.
- Pricing : Free
- Link :
CustomerMeta, Wishlist compare
- Purpose : Lets user build their own wishlists. Customizable app.
- Pricing : Free
- Link :
- Purpose : Lets admins import/export products, orders, collections (custom and automated), clients, orders, all via excel files.
- Pricing : Free plan available, from 20$/month to 200$/month
- Link :
- Purpose : Instagram wall
- Pricing : Free plan available for 3 posts.
- Link :
PDF Invoice, Order printer
- Purpose : Specific Invoices, Order prints, packs
- Pricing : Free
- Link :
Social Login by NDAPPS
- Purpose : Let users sign up/sign in using Facebook, Google, and other social networks. Customizable. Only problem is that it fetches the name+surname in the same field.
- Pricing : 3$/month (for 3 social networks), 7$/month for illimited networks
- Link :
Store Locator by Secomapp
- Purpose : Prebuilt Store locator
- Pros : Quickly create a store locator, you can either create stores manually or in bulk import, higly customizable
- Cons : Not translatable, does not create store subpages automatically. Geolocation is not 100% correct.
- Pricing : Free plan available (1 store), from 9$/month to 40$/month (depending on the number of stores required)
- Link :
Collection Merchandiser
- Purpose : Lets admin visualize and organize their collections based on stocks, pricing etc...
- Pricing : Free
- Link :
- Purpose : Useful for translating the website, contents are translated once they have been displayed on one screen.
- Pros : Easily translate the totality of the website, a user-friendly back-end, avoids admins from contributing the whole contents
- Cons : Does not let you have "" urls. Does not translate checkout, mails, and content form third party apps. Word count : Weglot is based on word count, you must put translation exceptions in order to limit it.
- Pricing : Free trial, from 100$/year to 5000$/year (and more)
- Link :
Weglot good to know :
- url/domains : weglot does not tranlaste url, you cannot have /en on url
- but it does support subdomains (
- images : weglot lets switch media when language is changed, but it won’t take into account background images
- Weglot Translation exclusions and
- Weglot only translates order confirmtion mail, other mails are not supported :,la%20traduction%20des%20e%2Dmails.
- Checkout :
- Customer emails : For customer notifications, firstly, you have to add the customer_tag: true option to the tag (weglot_switcher.liquid) without forgetting the comma after api_key:
<!--Start Weglot Script--><script src="//"></script><script id="has-script-tags"> Weglot.initialize({ api_key: "", customer_tag: true });</script><!--End Weglot Script-->
You can find it in your weglot_switcher.liquid file in your theme code snippet.
Then you can add the following code for the customer notifications: {% assign language = customer.tags | join: '' | split: '#wg' %} {% case language[1] %} {% when 'en' %} Customer account confirmation {% else %} Confirmation de création de compte {% endcase %}